Forecasting a P&L with colea
Budgeting in corporations is often a cumbersome and time-consuming process. With colea you can improve your process by automating data collection, review and consolidation processes.
colea allows you to create flexible budgeting templates that can be used for creating your group wide budget. At all times you are able to see the status of your user’s submissions. Data reported by your entities can be extracted to Excel or Business Intelligence and Reporting systems. Data is stored in a multidimensional format, which means that your budget can be collected in whatever detail necessary for your use case.
Excel-like experience
By providing an Excel-like experience, users can easily navigate and use the data entry mask without the need for extensive training on a new system.

Watch submissions in real-time
It's essential to have a real-time view of who has submitted their data and who hasn't, so that no time is wasted, and analysis can begin immediately once all data is correctly submitted. With colea, you can easily track the progress of your P&L Forecast, ensuring that you have up-to-date information on all outstanding units.

Adjust entities, accounts or any other data
In today's fast-changing times, it's crucial to have systems that are easy to adjust. With colea, you can easily modify static data, add new accounts, load new customers from up-stream systems, or simply adjust the entities that need to submit data.
Consume consolidated data
Start using colea for your forecasts to improve the data basis of your informed decisions and to have more time analyzing and interpreting the data beforehand.